Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Tale of C2E2 (The Final Chapter)

Dawn broke yet again on the third day of C2E2.

Again, later, The Kelly awoke.

A queen was present this day.  While The Kelly attempted to engage her in conversation, she remained focused on a strange device and indicated she had issues to resolve regarding a trade federation.

On the day, many heros still remained on the grounds of C2E2.  Some were round...

Some less so....

And some were frozen...

As he wandered the now familiar territory, The Kelly came upon the magician Sir Anthony of Kosar, a very pleasant man who had won a great contest of skill...

Yet, not all greeted The Kelly with the same level of excitement...

Yet a third day The Kelly strode to the wall of greetings, where he added to his latest inscription honoring the House of Snark.

Next he enjoyed two wonderful meetings where each assembled group were merry, kind to strangers, and spun tales of great interest.  

The first of which were Ambassadors of Defiance...

Then those of the Warehouse in the 13th land held court.  This particular event was full of much laughter,  mostly caused by a playful rogue called Eddie.  An intriguing tale mentioning Alice the Cooper greatly pleased The Kelly, as you would expect.

Sadly, the time had come for The Kelly to depart.  The knights of Uber returned to take him to the iron horse stable. The stable was overjoyed with The Kelly's return and released fowl to honor the event.

It was a wonderful trip full of friends and fun.  Even though The Kelly was forced to journey home next to a companion who was a NEVER ENDING flood of words (seriously, OMG, words words words words words words, I am fairly sure she never breathed), he stayed of good cheer.  Pretty much.  

And as for the horse head mask, The Kelly decided the gold he used to secure fine art for his clan was gold enough to spend. 

Maybe next year.