Monday, May 14, 2012

Five ways to manage e-mail and fail

I will be the first to admit my management of my work and personal e-mail is not worthy of praise.  In my defense, it is not for lack of effort.  I am pretty sure whatever gene helps you do well at this skipped me... along with its buddy genes that:

  • stop Achilles tendons from rupturing
  • make you pleasant
  • empower you to execute a strongly tied shoelace 
  • enable you to recall names or faces of people

I'd thought I share a few techniques that have failed me in managing the e-mail beast...

By Date, Bottom Up (Attrition is Your Friend)

Start at the bottom of the list.  Many people there have probably given up, died, or failed to pass on the request they made to me to their offspring.

By Date, Top Down (Prove You are Alive and of Some Use)

One by one, read, then understand, then respond.  Move on. Unfortunately this is hard and requires thinking.  I wind easily.

Sort By Name, Work it by Person (Who Do I Want to Hate Me Less?)

This showed some promise, but it would worked a heck of a lot better if NEW people just stopped fricking e-mailing me.

Focus on the Critical/Flagged E-mail (Yeah I See Your Stupid Red Exclamation Point)

Kinda worked, but so many of my old e-mails reappear wrapped in urgent clothing.  They join the first generation urgents.  The numbers grow.  I lose heart.

Sort by Subject (What the Hell, Worth a Shot)

Very interesting method providing limited results.

So it is clear I can't help myself.

There are some strategies others have tried with some success (honest!):

  • Use "Hey Stupid" in the subject line.  I offered this up as a tactic.  Some folks REALLY took a liking to it.  Like Tanning Mom to skin cancer liking it.
  • It has been said e-mails taking the time to insult me have a higher response rate.  My whole "Hey Stupid" framework seems to support that.  
  • Tweet me.  This seems to work.  I like Twitter.  Twitter doesn't judge you.  DMs aside, Twitter lacks an inbox.  I loathe inboxes.
Stupid out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My 30,000th tweet is looming

So here I sit at 29,386 tweets (29,387 after I tweet a link to this post).

I wonder what number 30,000 will be.  My track record at knowing where I am at on my tweet count is dismal, so it definitely will not be anything planned.

Anyone care to make a prediction?  I have some familiarity with the posting patterns of @kellythul, so I can offer up some likely candidates - with odds no less...

  1. A SyFy movie livetweet (3:1)
  2. A hashtag game tweet (4:1)
  3. Star Wars mention (5:1)
  4. Saying something strange (5:1)
  5. Declaring someone ENEMY OF THE STATE! (7:1)
  6. Retweeting @anniecolbert (8:1)
  7. Saying something mean (8:1)
  8. Retweet in general (9:1)
  9. Zombie mention (10:1)
  10. Alice Cooper mention (10:1)
  11. Saying something nice (92:1)
Feel free to toss your prediction in the comments section if you are so inclined.