Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Razorfunfish update

So, the razorfunfish thing is catching on - more info on razorfunfish

Razorfunfish - is it word

Of course it is not, but there is an experiment to see how quickly a word, in this case razorfunfish, can climb in search engine rankings - and what moves it there.

So, I ask my legions of blog readers (all 5 of you) to repost, retweet, and otherwise spread the word (literally).

Oh, sometime tonight would be best :)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Spontaneous order

Been trying to align Twitter to some economic theory. I a dug around, I came across "Spontaneous order".

First of all - WAY cool concept...

"Spontaneous order is the spontaneous emergence of order out of seeming chaos; the emergence of various kinds of social order from a combination of self-interested individuals who are not intentionally trying to create order." (Wikipedia)

Second, seems to have roots in the Scottish Enlightenment, my FAVORITE enlightenment of all time.

Third, seems to be a good match to what happens in Twitter, but I need to mull it over more.