Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pun 2.0

I guess puns are considered the dregs of humor because, in the end, the wit required to execute one is minimal. I wonder if the same is true for quirky uses of social media for grins. There have been many early adopter humorists out there for each new "hot" technology....

Blogs spawned... Vader's blog

Facebook spawned... a Civil war page

Twitter offers.. history, Batman, and a mime.

I have to admit, each of these made me smile when I first saw them, but wonder how they will age. Vader's blog holds up the best for me right now, but that is one part clever writing by the author and one part I am a hopeless geek.


  1. Ha... Vader's blog is fantastic. Thanks, great find.

    I took a moment to absorb the information, breathing slowly as I stood over Jerjerrod.

    I heard a trickling splash, and looked down to see a small puddle gathering around the good Moff's boots.

    Like I said before, joy in life is found in the little things. To Jerjerrod I said, "Prepare my shuttle. I will see to this personally."

  2. Also on twitter, check @thelordyourgod
