Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Man, I festo!!

E - M A I L Q U O T A M A N I F E S T O
version 1.0

Whereas - Freedom without accountability results in bad things...

Whereas - Markets and scarcity promote thoughtful actions...

It is proposed that a universal monthly e-mail allotment is assigned to each individual (no family plans at this time)


  • Each individual may send up to 100 e-mails a month
  • Rollover concepts apply
  • Accounting is on an inbox basis (an e-mail sent to 10 people = 10 e-mails)
  • When you are out, you are out... Bub!


· Less e-mail (duh!)

· Fewer hoaxes and chain letters

· Greater judgment applied by all e-mail senders

· Better quality of life for all e-mail users

Unintended, but still fully welcomed benefits

· A burgeoning black market for selling excess e-mails (e-mail ebay)

Note: Please help me out an e-mail me (kelly.thul@gmail.com) me any additions/suggestions/enhancements. These e-mails are exempt from the quota. I am aware of the hypocrisy of this approach, but I am at peace with it.

Feel free to link to the manifesto with this spiffy graphic...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I have a great idea that I think can really get this going - unfortunately I'm over my quota for this month and will be unable to share it with you. ;)
