Saturday, August 13, 2005

Communication coefficient

The coefficient of static friction deals with how much force is required before an at rest object can be put into motion. This also means the same amount of force applied to the same object on differing surfaces will result in differing amounts of motion. Assuming equal force, a rock on an ice rink will travel futher than that same rock placed on... oh say, Geraldo Riviera

There is likely a communication counterpart to this. For each individual, a certain amount of information is required to move them (take action). The challenge is, the communication friction that has to be overcome varies by individual. Unfortunately, this means Riviera-like rock force is applied to all (even the ice-rinkers out there).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I'm not quite sure I get this concept. Would it be possible to line up a proof of concept in which we glide rocks down an ice rink and then on Geraldo Rivera?
