Thursday, March 31, 2005

Risk tolerance on April 1

The financial portfolios you chose are often based on your risk tolerance. You won't select something, even with the potential of great rewards, because the associated risk is something you are unwilling to take on. Same deal on behavioral or communication decisions in my book.

So, with conservative/balanced/aggressive as our low to high risk tolerance meter, my portfolio includes

- Buying lottery tickets (balanced)
- Scoring a parking space at the front of the store (aggressive)
- April fools jokes in company publications (VERY conservative)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Pat M made this comment,
    Did anyone ever tell you the April fools joke gone horribly wrong while we were working with you guys?

    There was a guy on one of the data warehousing engagements who decided to spoof an email communication on the email system to all of his buddies on his project... basically stating that from 04/01 on, that contractors were no longer allowed to park in parking garages - they had to park in the lots and walk to their respective building, regardless of weather, physical handicap, etc...

    Well long story short, he ends the email with the name and contact information of whoever is your head of Facility Services (or whatever you guys call it) saying that if anyone had a problem with the new policy, that they should call or email that person directly.

    Well.... his little email got through most of the on-site contractor ranks in approximately 0.0003 seconds, and said head of Facility Services received TONS of calls and emails before the day was over...

    ...and our little prankster was promptly escorted out of the building, no questions asked.

    As if that weren't funny enough to begin with, what made the whole situation even funnier was that the guy was a bit of a tool who regularly stuck his head up the butt of the nearest person who was at least one level higher than him in the organization. People generally thought he was a bit of a clown, and were almost giddy to see him go. Aah, the good old days.

    Perhaps if your email quota system had been in place, he'd still be working there.

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