Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pinteresting, very Pinteresting (part 1)

OK, fairly recently joined the herd and decided to check Pinterest out.  An extremely bright colleague convinced me to do this.  She has a deep understanding of nearly all of the social platforms, but had never become a super-heavy user of any of them.  That all changed with Pinterest.  She LOVES Pinterest.

So I signed up.  I am a bit fuzzy on it, but pretty sure I chose to connect via my Twitter account.

Tangent 1: My Twitter followers run roughly 60% female, 39.99% male, and .01% male with a white iPhone.  Conventional wisdom seems to have grossly underestimated the percentage of females interested in zombies, Star Wars, general snarkiness, ducks, and live tweeting god-awful SyFy Original Movies.

Tangent 1.1: I am influential on ducks.  Klout says so.  I have a duck board on Pinterest.

So, for those unfamiliar with Pinterest, you use it to share pictures or videos you find online or upload.  You organized them on "boards".  They give you a default set of boards that you can change.  Which I did.  Right away.  Few will be surprised that mine now include Star Wars, Alice Cooper, Graphics, Photography, Zombies, and (of course) Ducks.  Remember, I am influential about ducks.

You then start following people and your experience is defined by what they add to Pinterest - called "Pinning".  If you like one, you can re-share it, sort of an image re-tweet, and people following you see it - called "Repinning". I can only assume Pinterest initially populated my "following" list from Twitter.  I am also assuming EVERY female follower I have on Twitter has a Pinterest account.

This resulted in me swimming in a sea of wool skirts, clever kitchen designs, and brooding shirtless male models (most of which resided in boards called "Hotties" or "Future Husbands" or "Yum").

Tangent 2: My only beef with Pinterest so far is my female friends can have a "Hotties" board and are actually celebrated in the community.  If I fire up a "Hottie" board, it would not enhance my online brand.  That is OK though, I am influential on ducks, not hotties.  Clearly.

You can refine your experience by following someone, but dropping any of their boards, oh say like "Hotties", and still see much of what they pin.  Much like my colleague, I now LOVE Pinterest.  I have connected with people with similar interests, am awash in cool Star Wars pics, and can continue to share the duck gospel I am so well noted for.

Will probably explore this further in a future post.  So don't say I didn't warn you :)


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Appears you have a very brilliant colleague. :)

  2. Just swimming? I'd have thought you'd be drowning! But I guess that's what the ducks are for...

  3. Thanks for the simple explanation. Very entertaining as well! Though... *sigh* another thing to manage. I hope I love it too!
