Monday, April 11, 2011


I expect many of the readers of this blog are like me.  Kind.  Friendly.  Always willing to offer words of support.  Basically a walking human hug.

One would think that a person with these characteristics would attract Twitter followers and/or Facebook friends sharing a similar temperament. 

Sadly, I have been beset with Twitter/Facebook connections that attack my age, musical tastes, general intellect, sports team alignment, shoelace status... just to name a few of the topics they smack talk me on.   Always unprovoked.  Always undeserved.

While the only road I have a map for is the high road, I was finally left with no choice but to establish "Enemy of the State" lists in both Facebook and Twitter.  Since the Twitter one is more accessible, here it is:!/kellythul/enemies-of-the-state

The basic workflow is as follows:
  1. You wrong me (consistently unjustified)
  2. I add you to the appropriate "Enemy of the State" list
  3. I virtually point at you and in a loud and commanding voice declare you an ENEMY OF THE STATE! (and hashtag you with #EOTS in my Twitter declaration of your enemyness)
  4. I feel better
Just hoping there are high limits for how many people I can add to these lists


  1. You know, for an old dumb guy who follows horribly bad teams and rock bands with front men with women's names, this isn't all that bad an idea.

    Hey, your left shoelace is untied.

    Make you look.

  2. Aaaand Pat is listed #EOTS

  3. What? What did I do???

  4. surely this would have been better labeled #christyberka ?

  5. So let me see if I understand this. You created a space where people who are hell bent on making your life miserable can have easy access to a list of other like minded individuals so that they can all band together and abuse you collectively rather than acting alone? Smart move. Let me know how it works out.

  6. Janice, since they already pool their efforts in Twitter, Facebook, Illinois, North America, and earth, I am not overly concerned about introducing a new venue.

  7. I loooove this! by the way, Pat had one of the best comments. Right out of the gates. Problem though Kelly, when i went to click on your EOTS link, it said no page exists :( maybe your arch nemesisis (how the hell do you spell that plural) anyway you get the idea, perhaps they are really black balling you. Anyway, Lots of hugs coming to you out here from Cali. Love what you do, keep it up.
