Monday, November 15, 2010


I think there is a fair chance this post will validate the theory that I might spend a tad too much time pondering Star Wars.

  1. Sabermetrics is the analysis of baseball through objective evidence, especially baseball statistics that measure in-game activity.

  2. Lightsabermetrics is the analysis of Jedi/Sith confrontations through objective evidence, especially statistics that measure in-movie activity.
Since item 2 above has been under served, I took a shot.

  • Rankings only reflect "league games" - meaning Jedi v. Jedi or Jedi v. Sith. Younglings don't count. That would be like NFL teams counting wins against the Bills.

  • For at least this first version, weighted 2 verses 1 battles the same as 1 on 1 smackdowns.

  • It's good to be the Sith. They own 4 of the 5 top spots.
  • Was surprised to see that, statistically speaking, Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn kinda sucked.
  • Darth Maul only fought Jedi with hyphenated names.
  • Agen Kolar (killed immediately by Palpatine in episode III) Worst. Jedi. Ever.

(episode number listed for each)
  1. Mace Windu 1-0
    wins: Palpatine - III

  2. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader 13-3
    wins: Dooku - III, est. 10 unnamed Jedi in the Temple - III, Obi-Wan - IV, Luke - V
    losses: Dooku - II, Obi-Wan - III, Luke - VI

  3. Palpatine/Darth Sideous 5-1
    wins: Agen Kolar - III, Saesee Tiin - III, Kit Fisto - III, Yoda - III, Luke - VI
    losses: Windu - III

  4. Count Dooku 2-1-1
    wins: Obi-Wan - II, Anakin - II
    losses: Anakin III
    draws: Yoda - II

  5. Darth Maul 1-1-1
    wins: Qui-Gon - I
    losses: Obi-Wan - I
    draws: Qui-Gon - I

  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi 2-3
    wins: Darth Maul - I, Darth Vader-III
    losses: Dooku - II, Dooku - III, Darth Vader - IV

  7. Luke Skywalker 1-2
    wins: Darth Vader - VI
    losses: Darth Vader - II, Palpatine - VI

  8. Yoda 0-1-1
    losses: Palpatine - III
    draws: Dooku - II

  9. Qui-Gon Jinn 0-1-1
    losses: Darth Maul - I
    draws: Darth Maul - I

  10. Kit Fisto 0-1
    loss: Palpatine - III

  11. Saesee Tiin 0-1
    loss: Palpatine - III

  12. Agen Kolar 0-1
    loss: Palpatine - III

Scoring notes

  • I gave Mace the win over Palpatine in III, but did not give anything to either Vader or Palpatine for the whole post-fight arm chop/force lightening action.

  • I did count Luke's Episode V loss to Darth Vader even though he probably wasn't officially a Jedi yet. Seemed close enough for me.

  • Again, Agen Kolar. Wow, just wow. You suck.

Very open to insights/observations/corrections on the scoring and ranking above.

Politely please :)


  1. Can you really count Obi Wan v. Vader as a loss in episode VI? Obi Wan became one with the Force and Vader was left scratching his head like "Dude What Happened?" Just sayin.

  2. I thought about that. Obi-Wan said "if you strike me down...", and Vader did, so I tallied it. Cheap win, but at least it was no "Fingerpoke of Doom"

  3. Brian A9:33 PM

    Don't agree with the Luke loss to Palpatine in VI. There was no lightsaber action by Palpatine. Also, if you didn't count the lightning as a loss for Windu in III, seems unfair to count it as a loss for Luke.

    Also, technically speaking, Yoda beat Palpatine with the lightsaber. He was forced of by large disc-like speaking platforms and the newly minted Empire forces.

  4. I was on the fence on Luke/Palpatine in VI. Leaning towards pulling the win/loss for that one off on the next version (with acknowledgment to you).

    Still going to stand pat on Yoda/Palpatine. You don't often hear "Yoda, you just fought Palpatine. What are you going to do next?" "I'M GOING INTO EXILE!!" from winners

  5. Can I suggest breaking up the Anakin/Vader stats a bit more to reflect those instances where A/V was on the good side and those when he was fighting for the dark side. It gives us a better context to evaluate the battle of good v. evil. After all, these are important things and therefore worth doing well.

    I'd continue to recommend an asterisk on the Vader v. Kenobi battle to denote the specious nature of that win. After all, Vader never actually struck Kenobi. Kenobi disappeared and Vader was left beating at thin air. And how can becoming one with THE FORCE not be a victory. I mean, its THE FORCE.

    Just my opinion - which is the only one of importance.

  6. Will address Anakin alignment in the next version. Asterisk still under review.
