Saturday, October 16, 2010


I really enjoy Twitter. It speaks to me because...

  1. Any insight I have usually runs out of gas in 140 characters or less

  2. It is a fantastic instant news source. I am SO on top of where earthquakes hit now - instantly

  3. It is a for kindred spirits for any topic or idea. Examples include: Alice Cooper, Star Wars, social media, White Sox, the fake rock group Joplin, lobsters becoming our overloads, etc..

  4. Unlike my e-mail inbox, no harm/no foul if I miss something

  5. The warm glow of retweeting and being retweeted

  6. Hash tag fun

Let's dwell on number 6 for a moment.

How fun is it to participate or start a dialogue in Twitter framed by a hashtag?? #realfun!

I love trying to come up with #badstarwarsnames, joining the shared experience of watching #sharktopus together, or asserting something #thatwouldbeawesome.

With hashtags you can start the dialogie, or simply join in. The one I like to advance is #improvedbyaddingzombies. Now, it has been pointed out, that zombies are awesome and nearly EVERYTHING is improved by their addition, but it is still fun to identify things that become the most enhanced (for example: Swan Lake is clearly #improvedbyaddingzombies)

So join in the hashtag fun, and be sure to share your zombie thoughts.

BTW, if I select the "Babe Ruths" of hashtaggery... nationally, I'd have to go with @paulandstorm, and locally @Doc_Shiv.


  1. This is great. You've got a new subscriber!

  2. Michael Ian Black had me giggling out loud the other night with...


    Juvenile? Yes. Hilarious in the moment? Yes!

  3. Hashtagerry is what makes the virtual world go round.
