Thursday, December 13, 2007

My hatred keeps me warm

Ok. Fine.

I have had several "friends" ask me if I have seen the following JC Penny commercial:

A young boy is opening a Christmas present -- it is a doll. He is surrounded by many other things pink and frilly. You see his frown deepen as the doll is revealed. It appears to be the end of a harrowing unwrapping session.

Then it cuts to a shot where he is writing a letter to Santa. Which says:

"Dear Santa Kelly is a boys name too."

Well har har hardy har.

Boys CAN be named Kelly. It is actually quite a manly name. Look it up - its meaning is warrior. Can't get more manly than that.

If you research more, you might also discover that it is further refined as female/princess warrior, but I strongly encourage you to stop before then. Once you see it means warrior, walk away immediately - with new found respect for the burly nature that is Kelly.


Pat = what you do to a puppy's head
Matt = what you wipe your feet on
Bob = what wood does in water
Mark = a scuff on your shoe
Kent = a sissy location in England
John = well you know
Robin = now THERE is a girls name, as well as a tiny bird
Jamie = means Jamie I guess, but it is the baby sister of Robin in my book
Nick = a chip of a china plate
Art = art


(just found a no so great quality online version of this commercial here.)
(now a good quality one - oh joy)