Saturday, February 04, 2006

Meta Wars

Just got back from a conference where a VERY vigorous debate was had over the value - or lack of value - in meta tags. Let's skip dwelling on how sad it is that passions could arise over such a subject.

Camp 1 - You must meta tag all content if you ever hope to find it, manage it, use it, and so on

Camp 2 - Camp 1 will require the user to input thousands of tags, people will revolt, chaos and so on. Bottom line, the context and linking of content should serve as the way content is found, used, managed, and so on.

Commecons's cut - Both camps should take a deep breath. Highly focused/organized content may well justify tagging - but PLEASE try and keep it to a minimum. Most content is best served by the context that develops around it. Let the market prevail when you can.

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