Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Guessing Bad

First of all, props to @Jhay9 for steadily pointing out to me that: 1) Breaking Bad is the best show on TV, and 2) I should start watching it.  His recommendation and the "Hail to the King" promos for season 5 finally won me over.  I successfully completed a Netflix viewing jihad and cranked through seasons 1-4 in time to fully appreciate season 5 live as it has been airing.  And @jhay9 was quite right on both points.

I had thought about going the route I did with Walking Dead and rank (and re-rank) the characters, but given likelihood of sudden, permanent exits of nearly anyone in the cast, I thought I'd take a whack at who gets whacked and in what order.  Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments.

All total guesses.  All probably wrong, but here we go...  in order of departure...


  1. Gomez - Never good to be the SECOND most important cop character
  2. Mike - Hope I am wrong, and he deserves to be around longer than Walt, but he should have stuck with his instincts to pass on partnership with Mr. White and Jesse

    BTW, I think both of these COULD go down prior to the season 5 break
  3. Skyler - Seems like a nice kick-off when season 5 restarts and would thrill many viewers.  My significant dislike of her has tapered off as Walt's ego ballooned.  Might just do it herself
  4. Badger - won't advance the plot, but will somehow be hilarious.  Think ATM hilarious
  5. Hank - Walt has given him too many things to piece together for Hank NOT to know something is going on with him.  It is kind of Hank's thing to figure these things out... right Gus?  What he probably can't imagine is how far Walt has broken.. um... bad
  6. Jesse - Could see his departure as the catalyst to send Walt east and grow his hair out.  Another guess I hope is COMPLETELY wrong
Final thoughts on Mr. White.  Is he..
  1. A good man gone bad
  2. Always really been bad
I vote neither.. I think he is 100% self-absorbed, 0% self-aware, with a dash of being incapable of conceiving the connection between his actions and what happens - someone else is always to blame.

BTW, "Zombie Walt" would be a pretty cool crossover AMC

1 comment:

  1. Well, got Mike right. Not in order, but right :(
