I think there is a fair chance this post will validate the theory that I might spend a tad too much time pondering Star Wars.
- Sabermetrics is the analysis of baseball through objective evidence, especially baseball statistics that measure in-game activity.
- Lightsabermetrics is the analysis of Jedi/Sith confrontations through objective evidence, especially statistics that measure in-movie activity.
- Rankings only reflect "league games" - meaning Jedi v. Jedi or Jedi v. Sith. Younglings don't count. That would be like NFL teams counting wins against the Bills.
- For at least this first version, weighted 2 verses 1 battles the same as 1 on 1 smackdowns.
- It's good to be the Sith. They own 4 of the 5 top spots.
- Was surprised to see that, statistically speaking, Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn kinda sucked.
- Darth Maul only fought Jedi with hyphenated names.
- Agen Kolar (killed immediately by Palpatine in episode III) Worst. Jedi. Ever.
Rankings/Record (episode number listed for each)
- Mace Windu 1-0
wins: Palpatine - III - Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader 13-3
wins: Dooku - III, est. 10 unnamed Jedi in the Temple - III, Obi-Wan - IV, Luke - V
losses: Dooku - II, Obi-Wan - III, Luke - VI - Palpatine/Darth Sideous 5-1
wins: Agen Kolar - III, Saesee Tiin - III, Kit Fisto - III, Yoda - III, Luke - VI
losses: Windu - III - Count Dooku 2-1-1
wins: Obi-Wan - II, Anakin - II
losses: Anakin III
draws: Yoda - II - Darth Maul 1-1-1
wins: Qui-Gon - I
losses: Obi-Wan - I
draws: Qui-Gon - I - Obi-Wan Kenobi 2-3
wins: Darth Maul - I, Darth Vader-III
losses: Dooku - II, Dooku - III, Darth Vader - IV - Luke Skywalker 1-2
wins: Darth Vader - VI
losses: Darth Vader - II, Palpatine - VI - Yoda 0-1-1
losses: Palpatine - III
draws: Dooku - II - Qui-Gon Jinn 0-1-1
losses: Darth Maul - I
draws: Darth Maul - I - Kit Fisto 0-1
loss: Palpatine - III - Saesee Tiin 0-1
loss: Palpatine - III - Agen Kolar 0-1
loss: Palpatine - III
Scoring notes
- I gave Mace the win over Palpatine in III, but did not give anything to either Vader or Palpatine for the whole post-fight arm chop/force lightening action.
- I did count Luke's Episode V loss to Darth Vader even though he probably wasn't officially a Jedi yet. Seemed close enough for me.
- Again, Agen Kolar. Wow, just wow. You suck.
Very open to insights/observations/corrections on the scoring and ranking above.
Politely please :)