Monday, April 11, 2011


I expect many of the readers of this blog are like me.  Kind.  Friendly.  Always willing to offer words of support.  Basically a walking human hug.

One would think that a person with these characteristics would attract Twitter followers and/or Facebook friends sharing a similar temperament. 

Sadly, I have been beset with Twitter/Facebook connections that attack my age, musical tastes, general intellect, sports team alignment, shoelace status... just to name a few of the topics they smack talk me on.   Always unprovoked.  Always undeserved.

While the only road I have a map for is the high road, I was finally left with no choice but to establish "Enemy of the State" lists in both Facebook and Twitter.  Since the Twitter one is more accessible, here it is:!/kellythul/enemies-of-the-state

The basic workflow is as follows:
  1. You wrong me (consistently unjustified)
  2. I add you to the appropriate "Enemy of the State" list
  3. I virtually point at you and in a loud and commanding voice declare you an ENEMY OF THE STATE! (and hashtag you with #EOTS in my Twitter declaration of your enemyness)
  4. I feel better
Just hoping there are high limits for how many people I can add to these lists