There are two kind of people in the world. Those who hug A LOT, and those who don't. For the huggers out there, the slightest event can prompt a full scale squeeze attack...
"Oh, you are back from the store" (HUG)
"Oh, I have a friend named Leroy too!!" (HUG)
"Did you just exhale?" (HUG)
Others of us are more selective in hug distribution. This seems to be an affront to the huggers. Lower frequency huggers (and reluctant huggees as well) are accused of having issues with human contact, a hard heart, or small pox by the hugging jihad.
OK, I made the small pox one up.
I will argue that the selectivity shown it distributing hugs does not reflect distain, but rather it shows high regard to the hug and a desire save them for the times that deserve it. Rather than the massive devaluation that results by the "if it moves, hug it" gang, the hug scarcity approach increases its value.
So thumbs up (from an appropriate distance) to those non-hugging.